So, I disappeared for a couple of weeks. Looks like my spine's woes had only just begun. To make a long story short, I have a severely herniated disc in the lumbar section of my spine, plus two minor bulges elsewhere. I've been in extreme pain for a while now and had been mostly bedridden. I have recovered on my own enough to be able to sit up in my chair, so I can feasibly resume RPing in reasonable bursts. I'm waiting for my case worker at the free clinic to come back from vacation so I can find out if I'm deemed worthy of the surgery I need.
I'm hesitant to say I'm fully back in the saddle, but I can come around a little at a time to RP again. I've missed you guys a lot!
I'm so sorry to hear this! This is something my dad had trouble with for a long time and it was just an awful process for him. I'm glad to hear you're doing better but don't push yourself too hard and end up getting even more hurt!
Awh, I'm sad to hear this. I don't know really what happened, but I hope you're getting better, and whilst these are just my two cents (This is merely my opinion so please don't be upset <E></E> ), I hope you're trying to find solutions finding for this problem. I know a few people who have a pain in the back, too, and I always suggest them to be more active and not get those bones rusty! There's plenty of bodyweight-training to 'fasten' the muscles, hehe.
I hope this is not completely out of place, I just merely hope you're getting better. <3 Nobody should have such aches!
So because I've been unable to work I had to stop my internet service. Both me and Mr.Monkey are unable to RP like normal at this point now, but hopefully we can sort it out soon.