Hello all! I've been roleplaying on and off WoW for the past few years though this is my first time coming to Freedom. My first real rp was done on a Mount and Blade: Warband server which then my time progressed to other private WoW servers and eventually retail. In my spare time I usually play other rts' and moba's though lately it's just been retail and enjoying the Legion expansion. I've been told many great things about this place and I can't wait to start <E>Smile</E>

My usual rp'd races are Kaldorei and Draenei yet I enjoy most anything if there's a fun and active cause behind it. As said, can't wait to get started!
Hey there! Welcome to freedom ^^ I'm Talona, a GM here, let me or any of the staff know if you have any questions.
Welcome ^^ <3
Mount and Blade, you say? Where's Pepper, he'd be allover this!
[Image: lmNk3qA.gif]
"Can you do that vegetable thing?" - Mirran to Kazuni 2k17
"Swift fighters, I applaud the efforts. But I am far sturdier than a meme man." - Malthik Dren, 2k18
<blockquote class='quote_blockquote'><dl><dt>Lidaric</dt><dd>Sep 2 2016, 08:01:08 AM</dd></dl><div>Mount and Blade: Warband[/quote]WELCOME
[Image: lmNk3qA.gif]
"Can you do that vegetable thing?" - Mirran to Kazuni 2k17
"Swift fighters, I applaud the efforts. But I am far sturdier than a meme man." - Malthik Dren, 2k18
Welcome to the server!
Welcome! More Night Elves are always great!
[Image: 2hhkp3k.gif]
Thank you all for the kind comments! I'm glad to see others here that also enjoy Warband as it's an amazing game for what it is. It's my most played Steam game at 1,115 hours xD

Although I won't be able to play for another day or two, browsing the Wiki has been a new and entertaining experience. Looking forward to seeing it filled with more articles in the future.

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