[Important] On approaching Staff Members
Hey guys,

Because of how frequently it's happened of late, the staff feels it's appropriate to address a certain issue with the community as a whole.

When responses are posted, be they in Contact the Staff or to any application or request on the site (Morphs, Storyteller, etc), it's not the individual staff member speaking for themselves but for the entirety of the staff team. As such, please don't default to approaching these staff members directly if you have issues with the responses you get (or you take issue with anything in general) or assume that their response speaks for the individual staff member in any way. As it so happens, we just have "delegated posters" who take care of drafting up responses and approvals/denials, especially during our Sunday staff meetings; all staff members are present and contributing to the discussion but only one person's going to post for all of us. Otherwise it'd get really messy. <E>Smile</E>

The better way to approach this is to make your own Contact the Staff thread in order to address the staff as a whole if it's important or something comes up that truly needs to be addressed, or poke around available mediums for a staff member who's currently available by either looking around in-game or prodding about the Freedom Skype Chat. There's also the TeamSpeak! (<I><s></s>Shameless plug...<e></e></I>) (If you see us in the public channels, feel free to poke us. Be mindful of the private nature of some channels.)

If you need to clear up personal confusions, by all means, approach as you like; for matters related to decisions made by the staff, primarily in the aforementioned cases and situations, it's preferred you address the entirety of it or a member of the staff that makes themselves available to you when you request it.

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