[Important] Regarding Demons/Forlarren/Corrupt Beings in Sha
Hey everyone, the Staff wants to draw attention to a certain issue that's been happening lately. Since we have approved non-Legion Demons, as well as Forlarren we feel it is important that we make it clear, even though a player character demon is allowed to be in Shatthrath, or a Forlarren is "sanctioned" by Shatthrath this does not mean that A'dal is personally protecting them. What this means is that, demons/corrupt beings in Shattrath are allowed there but they are not being sanctioned or pardoned, and they are not being accepted personally by A'dal.

We are seeing some who are under the impression that A'da's judgement is final, and that if he allowed a demon there then the demon must be good, but that is not true. The only instance of a demon being there is a Mo'arg who in the quests has you kill three people because they owe him money, so this demon is still very much demonic in nature. He is allowed in Shatthrath because for whatever reason he is not of the Legion and A'dal senses that, but that does not mean that if the Mo'arg were to start causing issues socially or otherwise, that he would allow it to continue. It is more realistic that A'dal would have the Mo'arg kicked out if it came to him starting problems.

What this means for Demons and Forlarren in Shatthrath?

It means that they are generally allowed to move within neutral areas within the city, to get from one place to the next and access portals or other means of transit so long as they do not intrude on faction-specific areas (such as the Aldor and Scryers, depending on the faction of your mortal parent, and indiscriminately in the case of the former). It's generally recommended that you stay in the Lower City to be on the safe side, and demons will always be recommended to remain in disguise in order to keep the peace.

Should altercations occur between Demons/half-demons and other mortals of any kind (which will also include heavily fel-saturated creatures such as Demon Hunters, Felbloods and even some Warlocks or similar), then the demons/half-demons/fel-saturated individuals will be asked to leave or forcefully escorted out of the city. While A'dal's presence forces peace and nonviolence on the city and everyone in it, he will not abide the sowing of discord and would sooner remove the source of that discord than punish those who would act against the corrupt and servants of the Legion.

This does not, however, mean that Player Characters should go out of their way to cause issues with demonic or corrupted characters. It is also not the duty of the Player Characters to escort or drive off demons or corrupt characters. That is solely the realm of the guard NPCs, and should be left to GMs and, with specific and explicit GM permission, Dynamic Storytellers. If PCs go out of their way to instigate drama In-Character with demons and corrupt characters, that will also not be overlooked and no one will be exempt from it if they knowingly and intentionally disrupt the peace of Shattrath, not even for the purposes of framing corrupted characters.
Just a note here that a paragraph was added at the bottom of the announcement (though I forgot to announce it when it was added):

<blockquote class='quote_blockquote'><dl><dt>Quote:</dt><dd>&nbsp;</dd></dl><div>This does not, however, mean that Player Characters should go out of their way to cause issues with demonic or corrupted characters. It is also not the duty of the Player Characters to escort or drive off demons or corrupt characters. That is solely the realm of the guard NPCs, and should be left to GMs and, with specific and explicit GM permission, Dynamic Storytellers. If PCs go out of their way to instigate drama In-Character with demons and corrupt characters, that will also not be overlooked and no one will be exempt from it if they knowingly and intentionally disrupt the peace of Shattrath, not even for the purposes of framing corrupted characters.[/quote]

Sorry for the late notification!

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