Good <timezone>!
I've got no clue what to put here. D:

Hi, I used to be a sorta-regular on CotH, and Prologue WAY back in the day. Haven't RPed with a friend of mine for quite a while, so she's dragged me back here to join in.

Looking forward to seeing some old faces and meeting new ones.
Oh hey, it's you! <E>Big Grin</E>

Glad she decided to drag your butt into the fold again, then. Welcome to Freedom!

(And, as always... If you have any questions or concerns or need help with anything, don't hesitate to poke any member of the staff! ^^)
Welcome to Freedom!

I'm sure you'll be happy to hear we love elves here on Freedom
Welcome to the fold.
Ayyyy. Welcome!
Welcome to Freedom. I hope we fill your days with resonance.

<small><small>I'll show myself out with my Shadowrun jokes</small></small>
"Subdue them. They will be calm after a good beating." -Polo (2015-2017)

"Sometimes I can't tell if you're driven or mad."


"Blue can't find his way out of a paper bag somtimes."-Kukamang
Hey there! Welcome to Freedom =D I hope you enjoy it here

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