[Important] New teleport locations for WMOs (buildings)
So there are several new teleport location to the object mall I've been working on. It's for WMOs and still in the process of being working on. However from the high volume of GSTs, STs, and the like, I decided to have teles made to these areas for the wmos =D They are still in process of being worked on so forgive me if there are missing wmos and otherwise.

.f t Orc

.f t Bloodelf

.f t Tauren

.f t Troll

.f t Forsaken

.f t Goblin

.f t Ogre

.f t Nightelf

.f t Vrykul

.f t Dwarf

.f t Worgen

.f t Gnome

.f t Draenei

.f t Human

.f t Misc

.f t Pandaren

.f t Skyboxes (This contains all the skyboxes available, I recommend turning on fly, and turning your speed up to 15 via .mod all 15))
Adding more to the wmo teles
Added Skyboxes in the mall, .f t Skybox

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