Player Character Emote ID command?
I was just wondering about having a version of the NPC ID command that would apply to a player's own character model. (presumably with a subcommand to make it loop or be a one-off)

Players could pick a sit animation that better suits their characters, characters could be in a talk loop when they're talking and an eating animation when at the table. Visually attacking while they're supposed to be attacking, etc.

There's also some possibility of being a little creative with the emotes with specific races- the hold rifle emote on male draenei looks like one shrinking away from something disturbing, the Belf female dragonstomp looks like someone agrily slamming their foot when out of battle context, and female Forsaken get the coolest unarmed ready pose with a geist-like crouching loop.

And it would be nice for players of male orcs and trolls to be able to have their characters stand at full height every once and a while.

Considering a lot of characters have their own quirks and such, I could see players having a few macro buttons set up for their character- curious sorts using the "look around" stand idle, a serious soldier-type using the shuffling/turn to the left/right animation as their "dance" and the likes.

The two questions for the staff are:

Would yall be comfortable with everyone having this power? I would, considering the other stuff characters can do on this server, but its down to GM discretion of course.

And, of course, how feesiable is this? I imagine it wouldn't be too difficult, but I don't know how this core, general WoW and the current programmer stuff specific to Freedom. For all I know, Player Characters could be super different from normal NPCs and this would involve creating from scratch new states/spellIDs for each thingie. I don't want to push for a new feature if its going to be a ton of work right with all the MoP stuff.

And then there's the issue of general emotes overriding the player-picked loops, like talking activating the appropriate talk emote.... Its a "you tell me" situation, for sho.
(I may stand corrected)

To my understanding of how the game has been built the sort of thing you're describing is not impossible but unfeasible.

Lets look at what we can already do before I explain why this is so unfeasible, as of now, there are a small group of spells that can let your character do things like there races attack motions as well as Eating,playing an instrument, crying, reading and a few other things, what I believe you are suggesting is something like human unarmed pose on a orc, this won't work as all models in the game have premade "emotes" that match to there skeleton and are locked in whats called a .anim file, every creature/race in the game has its own .anim file and the race/creature is question can only preform "emotes" that exist in that .anim for example this is why demon models can't jump or laugh in most cases.

The technical fix that makes this not impossible is that you could port and open up these .anim files and give a race/creature a new animation but they all have to be done by hand, and that is not only time intensive but I personally don't have the skill to do such a thing, so it can be done, but its not within a reasonable grasp for me Or aze(he can correct me on that one) to do.

So the TL;DR is that its not impossible but unfeasible because it requires some one making tons of new animations for every race combo by hand to fit that races skeleton.

(On second thought, there are some cases of spells that make a skeleton do a specific movement/pose, but when used on a race that it isn't intended for it can make them look like a pretzel.)
<blockquote class='quote_blockquote'><dl><dt>Crow</dt><dd>Sep 6 2015, 08:20:59 PM</dd></dl><div> what I believe you are suggesting is something like human unarmed pose on a orc, [/quote]I not talking about interracial emotes- that involves all kinds of model editing and the likes. (I know WoW animation editing for models is a migraine-inducing pain)

I meant to just point out that players could get creative with the animations that already exist for race models, some of which could bring a new spin on the default body language.

I just was wondering if it would be a relatively simple task to just "unlock" all model animations for players in the same manner that the NPC Emote command works for storytellers with other models.
I don't know much about modeling and animations, however, regarding first question: I believe emote playing could indeed be implemented as .f emote <emote id> command for players to make themselves play specific emote id.
<blockquote class='quote_blockquote'><dl><dt>Azeroc</dt><dd>Sep 7 2015, 02:29:37 AM</dd></dl><div>I don't know much about modeling and animations, however, regarding first question: I believe emote playing could indeed be implemented as .f emote <emote id> command for players to make themselves play specific emote id.[/quote]Would a subcommand for making it loop also be possible?

And would there be a way to override the default emote actions? (so that, say, the emote that occurs when talking doesn't make a character stop eating)

The former I suspect would be as easy as implementing player animation control in general, the latter, though, would be nice but may not be as feesiable. Again, wonky wow emulation stuff.
the emote command would make the anim loop if the id is a looped id, i.e. 1 would talk once, but another id with state_ at the start would loop

if demand exists i can post an emote id list assuming this command gets added
We already have the list, Erkor; [url=""><s> ... 735/1/#new">[/url]
[Image: 6H8JFlV.jpg]
The pine tree wastes which is perched on the hill,
nor bark nor needles shelter it;
such is the man whom none doth love;
for what should he longer live?

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