The Garrison Campaign

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Hello everyone one!. I have your all having a great holiday season. We are now only two weeks out from returning to the main storyline and entering the second half of WoD. However, we are going to be changing things up a bit for this campaign. With the exception of two weeks, all events will be on Saturdays, leaving Fridays open for STs. The staff feels there has been a sort of burn out with WoD with how fast paced it has been going and thus will slowing things down a bit for this section of the storyline. However, the raids and the final section in Tanaan will still follow the Friday/Saturday Format when we get to them.

Also new, the staff will now be sharing the event dates of each zone/patch with everyone. This is so people, STs and normal players, can adjust their schedules ahead of time rather then just a week in advanced. Keep in mind however this is subject to change depending on certain factors and the staff reserves the right to change the shecdule on short notice.

Garrison Campaign Event Dates
Jan 5th: The Warlord’s Council

Jan 12th: The Sargerei

Jan 19th: Darktide Roost

Jan 26th: The Iron Siege Works


Feb 2nd: The Ring of Blood

Feb 9th: Heart Breakers

Feb 15th: Strike at the Heart(Horde)

Feb 16th: Strike at the Heart(Alliance)

Feb 23rd: The Fall of Shattrath


March 1st: The Exarch’s Call(Alliance)

March 2nd: Farseer’s Rock(Horde)

March 9th: Primal Fury(Finale)

March 10th-March 24th: Break

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