[Important] A reminder about Sexual Harassment.
Hey guys, really important announcement here so please read this in full.

I wanna remind everyone we have a VERY strict no tolerance policy on sexual harassment. Its one of the rules we take extremely seriously. Everyone should feel safe on Freedom. Breaking this rule is a very quick way to end up permanently banned as it one of the few rules we give out final warnings on the first offense, due to the serious nature of the act.

We understand most people are adults here and adults do adult things. We only ask that if the person is clear they want to be left alone, you do that and leave them be. We also understand people play seedier and darker characters who may do terrible things. While there is a clear separation of IC and OOC, we ask to get the other persons permission first BEFORE committing such actions and stopping if they feel uncomfortable. Failure to due so, will be considered sexual harassment and the GM team will step in.

We also understand the personal nature of this. If someone is bothering you, not even just for sexual harassment, after telling them to stop I want to remind you to PLEASE take screen shots for us to review.
"Sexual Harassment. Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature"

I know this is an announcement and I'm not staff, but, allow me to give some words:

Continuously asking for ERP (even as a joke) is a form of sexual harassment. People have been banned over this exact thing. Do not attempt to lucratively concoct a deal for RP with the forethought of forcing ERP through the RP because you know the victim or because you know the victim won't report you. Do not bug, nag, repeatedly ask, prod, deliberately bring up [for] ERP because that is sexual harassment.

You are not children, don't act like children. Sexual harassment exists in many, many forms and you may not even realize you're doing it. Keep your mind and eyes open to your actions and the actions of others.

And I don't have to know that this isn't aimed at any one person. Don't take this as a sign you're being outed to the community. But, seriously, don't be an asshole. Sexual harassment is an incredibly serious problem and it <I><s></s>is<e></e></I> a bannable offense. The staff is incredibly capable of handling your problem with the utmost discretion and civility. They are not unholy gods there to mock and ridicule you. They are there to ensure your roleplaying experience at Freedom is the pinnacle of excellence. Trust me, I was once staff, and before that I had problems that needed reporting.

Remember that sexual harassment isn't solely based ingame! It can happen in Teamspeak and on Skype or the forums (via PMs or rarely public threads) as well. Stay safe. Stay happy. Stay .... <I><s></s>free<e></e></I>. B-)

<blockquote class='staff_blockquote'><dl><dt>[STAFF] Staff Only</dt><dd>&nbsp;</dd></dl><div>delete this if I shouldn't post in an announcement.[/quote]

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