
From WoW Freedom Wiki
Revision as of 21:03, 12 March 2024 by Bhamarim (talk | contribs) (Described most basic tools.)
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DiceMaster is a feature-suite addon to assist in most Event and Storytelling situations.

It is currently in Public Beta.

Player Tools

Following is a list of tools aimed, and available to players.

Player/Target Frame

Replacing the standard frame, this addon's Unit Frame is meant to be configurable on a whim.

The Healthbar can be edited quickly by its owner and a raid-leader Storyteller. Left Clicking to remove health points, and Right Clicking to add them. This does not mean Main Events will start using a hard health system, for now it is mostly a tool to aid theater of the mind and possibly be used in the future.

Likewise, any abuse of this sub-system should be reported to the Staff, as Death & Injury continues to be Player's Choice.

The Power Bar is, as well, a visual aid. One can access its configurations by Right Clicking your portrait, then clicking "Power Bar settings" you'll open a configuration frame where you can edit its maximum value, aswell as name, tooltip, texture and color if applicable.

A Pet Frame can also be created and customized, even if you do not have a tamed pet. By Right Clicking your portrait, and then clicking "Pet", you'll open a frame to customize your pet's name, icon, a model to represent it and choose to enable it or not. It will possess a health bar, but this time only you can edit it.

Dice Panel & Traits

On the top center of your screen (on first startup) you will find a panel with a roll format and five buttons above it. That is your Dice Panel, and your personal Traits.

The Dice Panel consists of a Text Box, a Roll Type Indicator and a Roll Button (Circular Button with die icon). Right Clicking the Roll Button brings up a dropdown with your saved rolls, and options to delete and save them. The header also contains a sub-menu to help you format your roll as you click each of the currently supported modifiers*. You can also change roll types by typing their shortened names into an emptied Text Box, such as "adv" for Advantage, or "pri" for Private.

Currently, the addon supports up to four roll terms: (Multiroll Amount)x(Mininum)-(Maximum)(+/-Modifier); Transforming that into a proper roll, would give us something such as:

  • 2x1-100+10 (Multiroll is currently not supported for Normal Rolls and Thresholds)
  • 1-100-20
  • 50-100

It means that if you have multiple modifiers, like getting a +10 for an item while being affected by a -15 from a debuff, you'll have to write "1-100-5", not "1-100+10-15"

Traits are helpers for items that would give you an effect. By Left Clicking any of them you'll open a frame to edit icons, descriptions and Uses. Cooldowns are not currently supported, so for now uses are more useful reminders, and they can be refreshed on a /reload.

You can also Shift+Click any of the trait buttons to link them to chat. This should greatly assist a DM to cross-reference the emote and an item's supposed effect, so remember to be as succinct as possible in your Trait description!

A personal note; I personally avoided restricting the formatting, so I trust you to avoid rolling a die with "+Bananas" or "*%#%$" times. Specially during events. Please don't make me regret this.

*Storytellers also get access to a "Threshold" roll. It will autopopulate the roll tracker's threshold box.

Banners & The Turn Tracker

Sporadically in events, Storytellers will be able to send Banners which may start a Turn Tracker. The former appears in the Top Center of your screen with a title and a subtitle description set by the DM or the Assists, and the latter will appear below your minimap, with the Current Acting Group and possibly a timer.

Here's a rundown of the banners from a player perspective (Feel free to cross-reference the event tutorial):

  • Group Turn - This is an indicator by the DM that you are free to fire emotes in raid chat (unless otherwise noted in the Banner itself).
  • Roll Phase - The DM is about to pick someone to Roll! This is the time to keep your eyes on chat and prepare any items you may have.
  • Threshold Phase - A Threshold Roll is about to be set, a healthy reminder that if the DM rolls 1-100, that doesn't mean you may aswell. As always, await their instructions before rolling.
  • Killing Blow - You're about to kill the evil guy, like the Threshold Phase, wait for the DM's instructions on how much you should roll for, or if the lowest or the highest rolls will be the deciding strike.
  • Encounter Ends - You've won the battle, but not the war. There's more to come, but any items or effects that refresh on the end of an encounter, do at this stage.
  • Loot Phase - This one won't happen all the time, but hey, sweet loot on the Horizon. Keep an eye out for how the DM will handle that.
  • Custom Banner - The DM may get creative and use the banners as some other form of communication, be on the lookout for that.

Storyteller Tools

Below is a list of Storyteller Features. Those marked with a [WIP] are still a work in progress and may be unstable or unfinished.

Banners & The Turn Tracker

By clicking the Send Banner button you'll open a frame to configure a banner before sending it to the party. By opening the Roll Tracker, you can also select a person on the Roster Tab, or who recently rolled in the Roll Tracker and send a Banner specifically to that person, which can be particularly useful for rolls.

Here's a rundown of the options:

Event Phases:

  • Group Turn! - Will indicate to players they may act in /raid. It will always progress the Turn Tracker to the next round. You may also reset the group order or set a specific group to act. (In case you want to experiment, or if you accidentally sent the turn tracker forward)
  • Roll Phase - Well paired with the Timer, or Private Banners it indicates to players that the DM is about to pick people for targeting.
  • Threshold Phase - You can use this before or after rolling the threshold, and it's useful for letting people know their roll terms.
  • Killing Blow - Using the description box, you can let players know the roll terms for the killing blow. Let me know if you find this useful, I may remove this to depopulate the dropdown.
  • Encounter Ends - Use this to indicate to attendees that the encounter has ended, and their cooldowns may have refreshed.
  • Loot Phase - If you're using loots, you can use this to let players know. Do not use the description boxes to set a loot document, as it's temporary and will not be accessible afterward.
  • Custom Banner - For any uses that may not be covered here.


  • Start or Advance the Turn Tracker - As the name suggests, will advance the tracker to the next group, or start it if none is present.
  • Set a Timer - Creates a timer bar on the turn tracker, and it will make a sound when it gets close to 0. The tracker will auto-hide after the timer reaches 0.
  • Set a Group - Will override the group order with the specified number, in case the tracker gets out of order, or if you are being creative with order.
  • Reset Order - Resets tracker back to Group 1