Heyo, just wanted to introduce myself. I'm Rensin. I hope people know me. Decided to hop over here from another server that seems to be where people are comin' from, so.
Look forward to RPin' again!
Heyo, Rensin! It's a pleasure to meet you!
I hope you feel welcome and enjoy your time here. c:
Hello Rensin, and welcome! ^^
Hey there! Welcome to the server! If you need anything let me know <3
So uh.
Looking around here again. Thinkin' maybe of comin' back. Maybe. Getting that WoW RP itch somewhat.
Rensin you nerd. Welcome back.
A familiar face. Welcome back!
<blockquote class='quote_blockquote'><dl><dt>Ural</dt><dd>Sep 10 2016, 04:32:20 AM</dd></dl><div>This one is familiar.[/quote]I just have one of those faces.
Ah, but my friend, where did you procure that face? Did you get it, or did you take it?