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Archived Announcements

Pages: 1 2 3

Important Threads

  1. Announcement Index (0 Replies)


  1. 6.1: Fall of the Iron Horde (0 Replies)
  2. And now my watch has ended. (4 Replies)
  3. A Very Fond Farewell (18 Replies)
  4. Main Story Break (0 Replies)
  5. The time has come. (10 Replies)
  6. Staff Apps are opening once again! (0 Replies)
  7. Ashran, and other things (0 Replies)
  8. It's about time (5 Replies)
  9. Today is the Day (0 Replies)
  10. Moving to new forums! (8 Replies)
  11. A goodbye but not forever! (10 Replies)
  12. The New Trial Staff is Here! (0 Replies)
  13. Staff Apps are now open again! (0 Replies)
  14. Hallow's End Writing Contest 2017! (0 Replies)
  15. Post SoO Staff Events and Beyond (0 Replies)
  16. 5.4 Part 2: Siege of Orgrimmar (0 Replies)
  17. 5.4 Part 1: The Timeless Isle (0 Replies)
  18. 5.3 Escalation (0 Replies)
  19. Newest Trial Developer! (10 Replies)
  20. [Important]Dual Boxing and You (0 Replies)
  21. Community Gatherings and the Art Gallery! (1 Reply)
  22. [Important] WoW Freedom Survey 2017 (2 Replies)
  23. 5.2: The Thunder King! (0 Replies)
  24. New Changes for Freedom (2 Replies)
  25. A Personal Thank You and Patch Announcement (9 Replies)
  26. [Important] CHANGE YOUR FORUM PASSWORDS (0 Replies)
  27. The Brawler's Guild (0 Replies)
  28. New Developer (16 Replies)
  29. 5.1:Landfall! (0 Replies)
  30. [Important] Raid Days and Times for next year (0 Replies)
  31. Winterveil Contest 2016 Winners! (0 Replies)
  32. Staff Meetings for the next two weeks. (0 Replies)
  33. New Trials and New Polls (4 Replies)
  34. The Winterveil Contest returns! (0 Replies)
  35. [Important} Cloaks and Next Year's Main events (0 Replies)
  36. [Important] Staff Apps opening again. (0 Replies)
  37. [Important] The rest of the Year's Outlook (0 Replies)
  38. [Important] Factional Raced Neutrals, Magical Sentries, and (0 Replies)
  39. [Important] Bounty Boards! (0 Replies)
  40. [Important] All Eredar Tier 4 (0 Replies)
  41. [IOLD] Paragons of The Klaxxi Buffs (0 Replies)
  42. [Important] Application Required for Forlarren (0 Replies)
  43. [Important] Regarding the Nightmare and Nightmare Druids (0 Replies)
  44. Upcoming Dread Wastes events and future events (0 Replies)
  45. [Important] Loot rules (4 Replies)
  46. [Important] About Dragons 2.0 (0 Replies)
  47. Just a note about Legion, Demons, and Demonic Guilds (0 Replies)
  48. [Important] Regarding a new Tier System and Sargeri Skins (0 Replies)
  49. [Important] Legion Lore (3 Replies)
  50. [Important] On approaching Staff Members (0 Replies)
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